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About Dr. Liebman

I have years of experience working with individuals and couples from age 18 to 70. Throughout my career, I have worked in a variety settings including college counseling, inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol facilities, and leadership consulting. Collaborating with other care providers is important to me, including medication providers. During my time in the field, I have built a network of professionals whom I trust and am happy to offer referrals to my patients. I also lead The Therapy Practice, a therapy group with multiple providers to meet a diverse set of client needs.


When I am not engaged in helping others through their journey of self growth, I am often working on my own in various ways including meditation, reading, playing tennis, keeping my plants alive, and exploring new restaurants and bakeries in the city. 


Please contact me for more information or with specific questions. 



Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (PsyD)

Widener University 

Psychodynamic and Organizational Development Tracks, Organizational Leadership Certificate

Masters of Education in Counseling and Mental Health Services (M.Ed.)

University of Pennsylvania 


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (BA)

University of Pennsylvania 

Major in Psychology, minor in French


Volunteer Positions​​

Member at Large, Board Member - American Psychological Association, Division 51, Society for the Study of Men and Masculinities


Member at Large, Board Member - Philadelphia Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology 


Men and Boys Compassion Initiative (MBCI), Member of Women's subgroup​


Professional Presentations

Viewpoint Project with Dennis Quaid, nationally syndicated television segment featured on public television including CNN Headline News, 2024


Men and Shame: Male-Friendly Approaches in Clinical and Educational Settings - APA, 2023, co-presenter, symposium


Cultivating Compassion for and from Men & Boys

How & Why Now - Global Compassion Coalition, 2023, co-presenter 


Holding a Space for Men During Times of Social Progress - APA, 2023, co-presenter, symposia 


Maximizing the Coaching Relationship Using Psychotherapy Alliance Literature, 2023, Widener University


Holding a Space for Men In Times of Social Change -International Psychohistorical Association, 2022, co-presenter, symposium


Navigating the Therapeutic Alliance - ACG, 2022,

solo presenter 


Men’s Mental Health: Redefining Masculine Norms - ACG, 2002, solo presenter 

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